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Waterborne Resin/ leather surface treatment agent

Leather treatment agent, strong leather feel, waxy, smooth and dry KY-8210S

Product Detail

Features: KY-8210S is a mist washing and brightening treatment agent, with excellent haze, after washing, the leather feels strong, waxy, smooth and dry

Uses: Suitable for PU, PVC, leather surface treatment. After treatment, the finished product has excellent haze, strong leather feeling after washing, wax gloss and excellent steam resistance.

霧洗亮處理劑 水洗后真皮感強 凱悅處理劑 KY-8210S


外觀 黃色液體 固含量(%) 18±1 溶劑組成: BAC/EAC/MEK
主要用途 水洗后真皮感強 可售賣地 全國 粘度(mPa.s? 25℃): 1000-3000
型號: KY-8210S 品牌: 凱迅 包裝規(guī)格: 18kg、180kg/桶
阳原县| 鄂州市| 乌兰浩特市| 南宁市| 门头沟区| 巢湖市| 沙河市| 彰武县| 德昌县| 泰顺县| 辉南县| 清新县| 科尔| 蚌埠市| 丹巴县| 保康县| 武隆县| 靖远县| 阜新| 广灵县| 鱼台县| 临桂县| 尼勒克县| 拜泉县| 襄城县| 增城市| 甘泉县| 左云县| 凉山| 昭通市| 泾阳县| 巴中市| 江门市| 印江| 绍兴县| 西安市| 大宁县| 石景山区| 浦北县| 监利县| 嵊泗县|